The elimination of the disease now offers tourists more reasons to choose Rwanda as their travel destination, suggests Dr. Aimable Mbituyumuremyi, head of malaria and neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) division of Rwanda Biomedical Center.
Indomie instant noodles were first recalled from the Egyptian Market on May 3. The country’s Food and Safety Authority (FSA) found the products to have “aflatoxins and pesticides residues in quantities that exceeded safe limits.”
The audit flagged 88 cases of idle assets worth Rwf37.2 billion were identified in 49 public institutions. They comprise 54 new cases worth Rwf28.8 billion, and 34 cases worth Rwf8.4 billion flagged by last year’s audit by Mr. Kamuhire’s predecessor Obadiah Biraro.
Soaring inflation means consumers, and especially low income and poor families struggle to afford key food and non-food items, while meeting other households’ expenses such as rent, transport, school fees, water and electric, among other bills.
Listen in to May 6, 2022 TALK RWANDA SPACES, a weekly current affairs Twitter discussion.
There is no way the sponsors, just like relevant organs of government, would not have sensed that something was amiss in the Miss Rwanda contest way before things got out of hand.
This is the third alert by the Food and Drugs Authority within barely two weeks. On May 4, the agency recalled several batches of India-made Amoxicillin and Metronidazole, the drugs used to treat infections, after they failed quality control tests.
There has been a rise in incidences of viral online spread of fake news over the recent past from false announcement of death of high ranking officials to defamatory claims that name and shame, and assassinate characters linked to criminal cases under investigations.
According to legal experts house arrest implies the suspect is confined to his or her home and is subjected to certain requirements/restrictions. Details of Mr. Bamporiki’s terms of house arrest were not made public.
FDA requires those holding the recalled medicines to return them to the suppliers for suitable management.
Effects of both the rising cost of living and unemployment have seen families do without some basic necessities or make shifts in spending as costs outstripped incomes for majority who derive a living from work in the informal sector.
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What do countries lose by taking in migrants or refugees? Why are they unwanted in some parts of […]
Inclusion still faces issues mainly non-legal limitations such as lack of access to capital in forms of loans or grants, limitations in access to land for agriculture, jobs and education to be able to fully contribute to the growth of the economy.