MBOKAZI: African migration not a problem to solve, it’s an opportunity

Sabelo Mbokazi, Head of Labor, Employment and Migration at African Union Commission (AUC).

RwandaPost caught up with Mr. Sabelo Mbokazi, Head of Labor, Employment and Migration at African Union Commission (AUC) at the just concluded Pan-African Forum on Migration (PAFOM) in Kigali, Rwanda.

Also read: Govts in Africa mull migration policy changes to cater for climate refugees

He shares insights into continental plans to enhance member States’ collaboration for sustainable migration governance.


  • The narrative on African mobility and migration in the media has lately been one of a crisis with news and reports of Africans embarking on dangerous migratory journeys in what’s been portrayed as the desperate attempts to leave the continent to the West. However, official migration statistics suggest that those crossing are a small fraction compared to the proportions of intra-African migration.
  • Experts say internal migration and mobility trends are expected to keep on the rise in light of factors like climate change and disasters, and this requires that governments on the continent devise response strategies.
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