There has been accumulation of taxes not paid to the taxman estimated at Rwf550.6 billion ($493.5 million) and decentralized taxes filed not yet paid of Rwf2.5 billion ($2.2 million).
Farmers who continue to grapple with high cost of farm inputs such as fertilizer, pesticides and seeds resort to reducing planted acreage, definitely contributing to the shortage of food supplies on the markets.
Many satellite cities still operate in the same way as any rural district. This implies that officials have been focusing on rural issues and not prioritizing resources to drive urban growth.
The audit flagged 88 cases of idle assets worth Rwf37.2 billion were identified in 49 public institutions. They comprise 54 new cases worth Rwf28.8 billion, and 34 cases worth Rwf8.4 billion flagged by last year’s audit by Mr. Kamuhire’s predecessor Obadiah Biraro.