Journalists Ferdinand Nahimana, founding member of the infamous Radio Television Libres des Milles Collines (RTLM), Jean Bosco Barayagwiza who was also top executive of the station, and Hassan Ngeze who was editor of Kangura newspaper will go down in history as the first to get lengthy prison sentences for incitement to murder in their reporting.
Mr. Ruggiu had initially denied any involvement in the Genocide gainst the Tutsi but later pleaded guilty to all crimes for which the court handed him 12 years in prison in a judgment read on 1 June, 2000.
The municipality increased its initial Rwf115.4 billion 2021/2022 spending to Rwf127.6 billion, according to the revised budget document approved by City council on March 1.
The ministry clarified that “no administrative reforms being planned or expected whosoever,” and told the public to ignore the message.
New legislation introduces additional grounds on which foreigners can apply for Rwandan citizenship including national interest, nationality on grounds of sustainable investment or activities, as well as nationality on grounds of special skills or talent.
Fuel costs in the latest review are the most expensive ever recorded in the country in recent years, and will likely see producers and manufacturers, yet again, hike prices of products to levels beyond reach of majority in the low income earner and the poor brackets.
Uganda and Rwanda are yet to harmonise Covid19 protocols. Rwanda officials say there are no restrictions imposed with regards to Covid-19 test except those done at random at no charge, but Uganda wants travelers to present PCR test results.
The reopening of Gatuna/Katuna follows series of meetings between President Yoweri Museveni’s envoys to his Rwandan counterpart Paul Kagame a few weeks ago in a bid to resolve the differences.
At least five bus operators plied the Kigali-Kampala, and Kigali-Nairobi via Kampala routes with more than 20 trips each daily. Clients were largely Rwandans travelling to Uganda for ‘weekend,’ ‘trade’ and mostly business.