Inclusion still faces issues mainly non-legal limitations such as lack of access to capital in forms of loans or grants, limitations in access to land for agriculture, jobs and education to be able to fully contribute to the growth of the economy.
While publicly discussing, denouncing or exposing wrongs like sexual offences help a great deal in awareness, prevention and can spark action, alongside lending a hand to victims to speak out, it can do a lot more damage if not properly executed.
The ongoing ‘social media’ debate about alleged sexual harassment cases in the course of Miss Rwanda beauty pageant is simply misplaced and isn’t helping anyone – not the public, not the victims and justice the latter deserve.
Improvement at anything is based on thousands of tiny failures, and the magnitude of your success is based on how many times you’ve failed at something. If someone is better than you at something, then it’s likely because she has failed at it more than you have.
The consumer rights lobby group is of the view that it is high time for government to consider the widening mismatch between current market prices and people’s purchasing power.
Schools’ reopening for the third term Monday is expected to induce a further rise in costs of essentials as most rush to the market to fill their stock.
Countries that feature on the visa-free list include Indonesia, Qatar, Philippines, Singapore, Ecuador, Haiti in addition to tens others on the African continent.
What do humanitarian agencies or the United Nations think of such schemes? Is it legal for a country to transfer its migrants, refugees or asylum seekers abroad, and under what circumstances is it acceptable?