Making sense of the personality cult taking root in Rwanda

Rwandans are mobilised to don clothes bearing President Kagames pictures and initials ahead of meetings. Courtesy Photo

A keen observer of political affairs in Rwanda rarely go without noticing the build up of its highest office holder’s new persona and the rising cultivation of a cult of personality.

For starters, the cult of personality happens when imagery or words of flattery are used to depict a leader as exceptional, always right or superhuman. With this it becomes dangerous for those he leads to challenge him or criticize his policies.

The cult was seen playing out in Rwanda soon after it was normalized to hang President Paul Kagame’s portraits on walls in public and most private sector offices across Rwanda. Now the practice is fast expanding to households and shops.

Then there is the printing of his initials and photos on clothes worn by Rwandans mobilised from all walks of life across parts of Rwanda ahead of his meetings with the populace, which are televised and widely disseminated by the country’s gagged media.

To a section of local content creators, like musicians, fashion designers and artists, the Rwandan ruler is a niche subject. On their platforms and on social media, they have gone ahead to equate the leader with the law and the country. Part of their work also involves engaging in online brawl with those criticizing either him or his rule.

They are part of the State’s wider network of information mercenaries popularly known as ‘the troll gang’ in local independent journalists’ cycles.

To a section of local artists, fashion designers, musicians and content creators, Kagame is a niche subject.

Praises and flattery

Of recent, the Rwandan regime also mobilised local artists and musicians to idolize the 67-year-old at the helm of the country since 2000 with leeway to stay in power till 2034, if he wishes, following the change of the constitution in 2015.

He is idolized in dozens songs, most composed between May and December last year, by local popular musicians. Lyrics praise him as exceptional hero, father of the nation, hardworking and vigilant leader “on whom nation’s wellbeing and safety depend.”

Popular Rwandan musician Bruce Melody in Ogera praises the leader as God-given gift Rwandans cannot do without, and the artist goes ahead to insinuate the divinity in his persona and ability.

The video clip of the song, initially mooted as presidential campaign material for the ruling party (RPF) candidate, barely features logos of the party. The leader’s name is repeated countless times in lyrics and features his photos all through.

In a separate song dubbed Nywe PK24, musician Nel Ngabo sings how Kagame “wakes up early before everyone else to organise the country against enemy attacks.” 

The cult of personality went as far as having MTV award-winning choreographer Sherrie Silver, who runs a foundation for kids, judge it necessary to get the juveniles and resources to produce a song titled Rudasumbwa heaping praises and flattery on President Kagame.

Kagame images and initials printed on clothes ahead of meetings.
Courtesy Photo

Change of mind

Kagame, who initially avoided to be idolized and had in may 2019 ordered change of lyrics of musician Eric Senderi’s song Nzabivuga to praise Rwandans or his Party instead of himself [Kagame], has suddenly changed his mind.

He is often seen smiling when songs flattering him are played or performed in his presence at different venues.

To observers, the sudden rise of self promotion seeks to depict Kagame’s popularity at home amid rising questions over his regime’s controversial policies, poor human rights record and recurrent confrontation with neighboring countries.

In the latter case, Rwanda has had border closures with its northern neighbor Uganda for four years in recent past, while those with Burundi are still closed to date.

There is also Rwanda’s alleged hand in the war that still rages in mineral rich Eastern Congo, which has had scores of its Government and military officials sanctioned by Western countries, on top of the suspension of development aid.

ALSO READ: Rwanda: Why the growth of churches worries authorities

The above inflict miseries and hardships into lives of millions at home and beyond in a region where communities are interdependent and life depend heavily on cross border movements for trade, work, education and others.

Limited freedom locally make it impossible for Rwandans to express their views on these developments. But there have been critical voices coming largely from counterparts in neighboring countries placing the blame for prevailing problems on Kagame-headed regime and not Rwandans.

A movement of self promotion, therefore, likely serves to mount show of popularity to the outside.

This partly explains the Rwandan ruler’s win of the latest presidential elections in July 2024 by nearly 100 per cent (99.18%) of the total 9 million votes as announced by the electoral commission headed by Kagame’s ruling party cadres.

ALSO READ: Silence, inaction by Miss Rwanda sponsors is telling

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